Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Busy Bee for Pancreatic Cancer

Wow! Who knew that being in a pageant would keep me so much on my toes? Okay, rundown of all that's happened in the last two weeks:

1. Had virus, sick for three days. No activity.

2. PanCan affiliate meeting went amazing. Officially "Event Co-Coordinator" for Oklahoma. Brandy Glick and I are sharing the state with her in the Eastern half and me on the Western. We're already planning a Gala for next November which will probably be here before we know it! Venue, sponsors, event planning. It's sure to keep me hopping, but I love it. We're also looking into other events including a Casino Night at the new Hard Rock Casino near Tulsa, persuading The OKC Thunder bigwigs to allow us a Purple Night during this November, looking at restaurants who want to donate a night's earnings, a Purple Pin Bowling Night at Redpin Bowling Lounge, etc. And the list goes on. None of it is set in stone yet, but we're certainly trying!

3. The affiliate is also still gathering proclamations from cities around the state to display at the OU Garden Walk on Nov. 7th. I picked up one from the City of Bethany last week and boy, was I nervous!It helped to have my mom and sister, Sarah, there to support me.
Here is video my mom took.

I spoke directly to the council as one of the members lost her brother-in-law to this awful disease. Everyone was very kind and let me speak for a few minutes.
The worst part of the pageant is knowing your platform inside and out. Because mine is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness, there's quite a bit of statistics and medical jargon I've had to learn. Go ahead, quiz me! If I ever had the chance, I'd move out to California and work for PanCan. What an experience THAT would be! I'll be at the Norman City Council meeting tonight as the city is presenting its proclamation. Tena Coppedge and her family will be there. She lost her husband, Michael, this past July and it is amazing to see her strength as she participates so fully in activities. I was such a lump for a year after losing my dad.

4. Something fuuuuun that I'm so happy about is being on the top-rated morning radio show in Oklahoma, The Jack and Ron Show on 98.9 KYIS FM. They are super funny guys and their children are/were students of mine and they've had a number of my interns work there.
Here's the audio of the show:

Dr. Dan Brackett, one of the lead researchers in pancreatic cancer at the OU Health Sciences Center. Such a dear man and so knowledgeable. We're hoping to get on to other shows as well in the metro area, not just radio but TV too, to promote the OU Garden Walk. Since I'll be in Kansas City next week, he'll be on KWTV Channel 9 on Monday, Nov. 2. Look for him in the morning!

Whew! AAAAND this weekend, I'll be in the OU Homecoming Parade. I love working at OU and being a grad makes this appearance so much sweeter. Then the Homecoming Game, Halloween and my friend Maggie's wedding in Wichita. And all of this doesn't even count for what's going on personally or professionally! I hope my dad appreciates this!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Speaker Boxx has nothing on me!

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to really get into the meat of the matter with keeping this updated. So much has happened in the last couple of weeks, I'm hoping to be able to address everything tonight after my first platform appearance!
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

76 trumbones..er... or just a few

How much fun did I have this weekend? Quite a bit! Friday afternoon started with a bang as I participated in my first event:
Noble HS Homecoming Parade 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

NOTE: This is the first blog entry I did on my Facebook account after hearing of my dad's diagnosis. Some days, the pain is still fresh.

"You know, if it's not one thing, it's another." Gilda Radner as Roseanne Roseannadanna on Saturday Night Live

Recurring theme in my life it seems as I'm not fighting for MY life, but my Dad is. He was diagnosed this week as having inoperable pancreatic cancer which has metastasized in his liver and has about a year left. I have so many emotions about this. I don't know if it's because I 'm the oldest and have to try to keep it together but this week has been totally unreal. I apologize to any students who may have thought I was flaky this week or just wasn't myself. I haven't been.
He will start chemo treatment next Friday and we are exhausting all possible treatment options for him. (3 weeks on, 1 week off) However, he is in the latter stages of the disease. Pain management and slowing the growth of the cancer are the most important aspects we're focusing on as Daddy is in quite a bit of pain and has started losing weight. Once this is under some control, he can start gaining a little bit of weight. He's keeping high spirits and putting his life in God's hands, as we all should. He will remain working until such time as he needs to complete work from home. My youngest sister Sarah is moving back home from Wichita to offer additional support.

I can actually say all of this with a straight face and not cry thought tears threaten to spill over constantly. I'm sure people might think for awhile that I'm fragile and need to be handled carefully, but that isn't the case at all.
The worst part is how to tell my children about Grandad going to heaven. This will take so much strength, that honestly, I don't have right now.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I love a parade!

...the tramping of feet,
I love every beat I hear of a drum!
I love a parade, when I hear a band
I just want to stand and cheer as they come.
That rat-a tat-tat, the blare of a horn.
That rat-a tat-tat, a bright uniform;
The sight of a drill will give me a thrill,
I thrill at the skill of everything military.
I love a parade, a handful of vets,
A line of cadets or any brigade,
For I love a parade!

So excited for this weekend, starting tomorrow! It's going to be a busy one for sure. I get to make my first official appearance as Mrs. Cleveland County International in the Noble High School Homecoming parade! GO BEARS! I didn't attend Noble but I covered them extensively as a reporter for The Oklahoman in the late 90s. Small town with BIG heart, that's for sure. A family friend, Jim Kirkpatrick, is driving his little cayenne pepper red convertible for my parade appearances. Such a sweetie! I'll be in the OU Homecoming Parade too with Mrs. Norman, Anissa Yeargain. We'll have a blast.
Here we are taking a test run to make sure I'll be comfortable. I really need to get a bunch of candy tonight to throw to the kids. Should it be chocolate or sugar candy? Hmmmmm. Either way, it's sweet!
After the parade, I'm going out to dinner or whatever my husband has planned for our 1oth Anniversary! I can't believe it's been that long. Such a ride it's been with so many blessings. I got him something really cool for our 10th but I can't tell you what it is here because I don't want him to know yet. We get it the middle of this month though and I've been saving up for several months. (Thanks Donna/Mom for helping out with it!) Here's to 50 more! Love you!
Saturday is filled with soccer and two football games (JJ's and OU). You'd think I'd get tired of being in an all boy house. Good thing this pageant is girly enough for me. Of course, I'm already Queen Bee with my boys. :)
All of this, I hope, can bring more awareness to Pancreatic Cancer funding. PanCan.org is such a wonderful cause and the network is pushing to make a difference. The KnowIt!FightIt!EndIt! agenda is so critical to inform the public. Between now and the end of National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in November, approximately 8,120 people will be diagnosed with the disease and begin fighting it for the first time. That's an ENORMOUS number of people who shouldn't have to wonder if they'll be around for Christmas or their next birthday!

Will one of those loved ones be yours?